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Interesting Facts About Cats

Interesting Facts About Cats

When it comes to being adorable, cats are hard to beat. With their unending cuteness and cat meow that can melt any heart, cats are probably the most popular kind of pet. These feline munchkins are a joy to have around, and often make the best companion for everyone. And cats have always had the best rapport with humans and have been ascribed to the status of gods in many cultures. And from Garfield to Jasper (or Tom), cats have remained the leading icons in pop culture, adding to their awesomeness and cattitude.

As amazing and mysterious cat behaviour is, you never really know what’s going on in that cute head. There is so much more than meets the eye when it comes to cattitude and here, we are letting you know some of the secrets of these enigmatic creatures – 10 fun facts about cats.

10 amazing cat facts

If you are a new cat parent, it is normal to have queries and cat questions about your feline friend, such as do cats have 9 lives, or do cats hate water? So, given below are 10 sassy cat facts and fun facts about cats that will give you a sneak peek into the awesome life of your furry munchkin!

  1. Do cats have 9 lives?

    Do cats have 9 lives, and if they do, why do cats have 9 lives - happens to be one of the most common cat questions a cat parent gets asked. The popular belief that cats have 9 lives has been one of the biggest beliefs surrounding cats. Not only does the myth that a cat has 9 lives add to the mysteries that are associated with cats, but also makes cats incredibly popular, and makes us think "why do cats have 9 lives?" However, while a cat has 9 lives is just a myth, it is undeniably true that cats are usually considered among the healthiest known creatures. Cats can live a relatively long lifespan which ranges between 15 to 21 years, and as long as they have a healthy diet and are generally free from serious health conditions, cats often live longer. But why do cats have 9 lives or not, all you want to do is make sure that your cat leads a happy, stress-free life. So, the next time you wonder if your cat has 9 lives, make sure to give them a lot of love that lasts all of its lifetimes.

  2. Why do cats purr?

    Mysterious as it is, there have been several speculations about why cats purr and is undoubtedly a unique facts about csts. So, you ever wonder why do cats purr? Cat behaviour is reserved and mysterious, but they do have a lot to say when it comes to their loved ones. While meowing is the most common sound produced by cats, purring comes to a close second. And unlike cat meow, in which the cat ‘speaks’, purring is a non-verbal sound that emanates from the cat’s throat. Purring is a long-drawn vibration. So, why do cats purr? Most cats purr when they are happy and content, especially when you are showering them with love and affection. Purrs often help release endorphins, or the feel-good hormone, which cats use to soothe themselves. Cats also use purring to establish a bond with their favourite humans as kittens do with their mothers.

  3. Do cats hate water?

    You might have watched videos of cats falling into water or hating baths, making you think why do cats hate water? Though it would be unfair to say that all feline furries hate water, most cats do show some rate of aversion towards the water, but do you know why do cats hate water? It is believed that this cat behaviour is a result of cats having evolved in regions that are generally dry with few or no exposure to water bodies like lakes or rivers. So if you are wondering why do cats hate water, it is because water is an element unfamiliar to most breeds of cats and they generally avoid it unless it is for drinking. However, breeds like Turkish Angora, Maine Coon, Bengal Cats, and Norwegian Forest cats simply love water, and can spend hours playing and splashing in it! The next time you’re led to think why do cats hate water, remember, not all cats.

  4. Why do cats love boxes?

    Other than questions like do cat has nine lives, with this being one of the top 10 facts about cats for all times. Though physically small than most other animals in the wild, cats are incredibly smarter, which has allowed them to survive in the wild and stay out of the reach of larger predatory creatures. So, cats have always preferred small, enclosed spaces that provide them protection from natural calamities and predators. And though domestic cats no longer need that kind of protection anymore, their survival instinct is best observed in the cat behaviour of sitting in boxes. Boxes are enclosed spaces that make cats feel safe and comforted. Your feline friend might also use boxes to hide and ambush its favourite and loving prey - you!

  5. Why do cats love catnip?

    Another popular question about cats happens to be why do cats like catnip. If you have known about cats for some time, you must have heard about their fascination for catnip. So why do cats like catnip? This is because the catnip plant is rich in nepetalactone, an oil that can trigger sensory receptors in a cat’s brain. So, under the influence of catnip, cats often respond as if operating under the influence of medical cannabis. The nepetalactone in catnip often has a feel-good effect for which cats love to brush against the catnip plant, lick it or chew on the leaves. Now that you know why do cats like catnip, remember to bring your cat a new catnip toy and see how delighted it will be!

  6. Do cats always land on their feet?

    You might have heard the popular belief that cats always land on their feet. Incredible as this cat information may sound, it is actually true! Cats have an amazing sense of balance, and they are usually guided by an instinctive response known as the ‘righting reflex’ or cat reflex activates while jumping or falling from a great height, cats use this balancing system to continuously orient themselves with the angle of descent, and adjust their posture to ALWAYS land on their feet! Another awesome cat information is that, in addition to the cat reflex, their padded paws help cushion the impact of the fall, ensuring they are not injured while dropping down from high points. Having the ability to always land on their feet gives cats an added advantage and improves their survivability, often making people wonder, do cats have nine lives?

  7. How does it rain cats and dogs?

    Another common question cat parents ask is what it means to rain cats and dogs. As the popular idiom goes, 'raining cats and dogs,' is never the case, however. While these furry balls of cuteness never drop from the sky straight into our arms, the idiom is believed to have been coined from an unfortunate incident in 17th Century England. Due to poor drainage systems, the cities in England would occasionally flood during storms, drowning stray dogs and cats. Others also believe that the idiom might also have originated from 'catadupa’, an obsolete Italian word meaning waterfall.

  8. Do cats only meow at people?

    By now you already know why cats purr, but what about meowing? Cats are wonderfully intelligent creatures, with several sounds comprising their vocabulary. And the famous cat meow is probably the most common sound made by a cat. And as amazing as it sounds, the cat meow is not the sound cats make to communicate with each other. Rather, cats specifically developed the meowing sound only to interact with humans! Meowing can be a way of your feline friend greeting you, trying to grab your attention, or simply asking for food or new cat toys or affection! And now that you know why cats purr and meow, here’s hoping that it will bring you a step closer to understanding your feline buddy.

  9. Why do cats bring you dead animals, or um, “gifts”?

    Cats make wonderful pets. And not only are they loyal and affectionate, but they often wish to show you how much you mean to them by bringing you gifts. And as excellent hunters feline furries are, most of the gifts they bring you are going to be their prey. So, though it might make you feel squeamish and make you ask yourself why do cats bring dead animals as gifts, please bear in mind the thought that went behind the gesture. Mother cats also hunt down food for their kittens, so your cat bringing you dead animals as treats may also indicate that they have accepted you no less than their own child, your cat feels responsible for your well-being, and it would be a good idea to appreciate them back for all the love! Now you know this cat information, the next time your furry feline brings you a dead animal, please remember to be kinder and treat your fur baby to some cuddles instead of wondering why do cats bring dead animals.

  10. Why do cats rule the internet?

    From the grumpy cat to Smudge, the table cat, these incredible felines have always grabbed the internet in a storm! Not only are cats incredibly cute and charming which adds to their wow factor, but cats are smart, and bear an unbeatable charisma and talent for being camera ready! These adorable balls of fur are majestic, and often love a good show-off in their best cat behaviour in front of the camera. It is no surprise that they have ruled the internet for decades, and will continue to do so for years to come!

Your feline friend in all its quintessence deserves a special place in your heart, and what is better than letting it know with its favourite cat treat from Temptations, Treat For cats? Just shake the pouch and see your adorable furball come running to you! 

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are some cool facts about a cat?

    Cats are awesome, with almost no end to fun facts about cats like do cats have nine lives or why do cats purr? But perhaps one of the best things about cats is their smartness, their agility, and keen intellect. In addition to the 10 facts about cats, some other cool cat facts are, domestic cats share almost 95.6% of their genetic makeup with tigers, they can jump up to five times their height, and they can often run at a speed of 48km/hr. Cats have whiskers with sensory receptors, which can be used for navigation. If you’re wondering do cats have 9 lives, well no, the belief that cats have 9 lives is untrue, but one of the most interesting cat facts is that they do have amazing anatomy that prolongs their survivability in any environment. 

  2. What interesting things can cats do?

    This is one of the most interesting facts about cats. Cats are always a bundle of surprises and some fun facts about cats are: they are very comfortable picking up training, and can easily learn tricks like fetching, and shaking hands. Another cat information is that cats also have an amazing sense of balance that allows them to orient their movements mid-air. Cats produce the cat meow sound with the only intention of using it while communicating with their humans. In addition to meowing, cats can purr. Do you know why do cats purr? It not only just soothes them, but is also known to promote healing in those around the cat. And now that you know why cats purr, make sure to give your cat some extra love and hear that wonderful purring again! 


  3. Why are cats so special?

    From their regal appearance and fun facts about cats to unparalleled intelligence, there can be no end to what makes cats special. However, cats have stayed peacefully alongside humans since 4400 BC, forging a special bond that will last for all time. It is believed that cats were actively kept and bred in farming communities for rodent control. Since then, till today, cats have held a special spot in our lives and will continue to do so for years to come. While the saying cats have 9 lives might not be true, if your cat did, it would continue to love you through all of its lifetimes. In addition to the interesting facts about cats, they are incredibly adorable and are most likely to crawl into your heart in no time.

  4. What is a group of kittens called?

    Kitten and cat questions from why cats purr to do cats have 9 lives are often endless, and it is always a delight to know more about them. Kittens are probably some of the cutest living creatures ever to have roamed the earth. And if the awesomeness of one kitten is not enough, imagine how amazing would a group of kittens be! And one of the most interesting facts about cats is, over the years, a group of kittens has been called by several names, such as clowder, or litter. However, the most widely accepted term for a group of kittens happens to be ‘kindle’.

  5. Are cats smarter than dogs?

    In spite of being physically larger, a dog’s brain is proportionately smaller than that of a cat. Cats, therefore, have a larger, more complicated cerebral cortex which contains almost double the number of neurons than that of a dog. This allows cats to process complex cognitive information and display more emotions. Though both cats and dogs are well-loved, cats would probably be placed at a higher rank when it comes to intelligence and cattitude, and interesting facts about cats.


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