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Types And Treatments For Cat Vomit

Types And Treatments For Cat Vomit

Cats are wonderful pets. They are independent, lively, and cute. However, as a cat owner in the Philippines, you must be aware of typical health issues that may affect your feline friend. Such as vomiting, which may be stressful for both you and your fur baby. In this article, we will look at the prevalence of vomiting in cats, the underlying causes of this behavior, and what measures you may take if your cat vomits.

Before getting into the reasons and treatments, it's crucial to understand how frequently cats may vomit. Some vomiting is common in a cat's life, however, chronic vomiting can be life-threatening for them.

When faced with a vomiting cat, it's natural to feel concerned and uncertain about the appropriate course of action. We will outline practical methods that cat owners in the Philippines may do to treat their ailing feline.

Causes of Cat Vomiting

There are many causes and factors of cat vomiting. Understanding these underlying causes is essential in addressing the issue effectively. Here are some common reasons why your cats may experience vomiting, according to Best Friends Animal Society.

  1. Change in Diet

    Cats have delicate digestive systems, and a rapid change in nutrition might result in vomiting. Hence, introducing new foods and suddenly switching between brands might irritate their stomachs.

  2. Hairballs

    Do not panic when you see your cat vomiting hairball. Unlike humans who need to take a shower to freshen up, cats lick their bodies and fur. Cats, as careful groomers, frequently eat loose fur when grooming themselves. This hair can build up in their stomach and create hairballs, which can cause discomfort and vomiting in cats. Hence, you must help them brush their hair to help decrease hairball production and vomiting.

  3. Digestive Illness

    Chronic or recurring vomiting in cats can be caused by gastrointestinal illnesses such as gastritis, pancreatitis, or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Infections, food sensitivities, and immunological reactions can all induce these problems. Do not wait until the situation gets worse. See a veterinarian to identify these diseases and recommend the best course of therapy.

  4. Allergies

    Cats, like people, can develop allergies to foods, environmental variables (such as pollen or dust mites), or chemicals with which they come into contact. Allergic responses are what cause cats to vomit in this case. Identifying and removing the allergen from your cat's surroundings or diet might help relieve symptoms. Consult with your vet to determine the allergen and how to minimize the reaction.

  5. Systemic Illness

    Systemic disorders that cause vomiting in cats include renal disease, liver disease, and hyperthyroidism. These disorders impact many organs and can disturb the digestive system's regular functioning. These disorders need veterinarian involvement for diagnosis and treatment.

  6. Parasites

    You may be wondering why your feline is vomiting. Whereas your cat doesn’t have any illness. However, parasites could be what causes your cats to vomit.

    Parasitic illnesses in cats, such as roundworms, hookworms, or stomach worms, can cause gastrointestinal upset and vomiting. Regular deworming and preventative actions can help lower the likelihood of parasite infections and the symptoms that go along with them.

  7. Foreign Material or Substances

    Cats are curious by nature and may ingest non-food items, such as plants, strings, or small objects. These foreign items might clog the intestines or irritate the stomach lining, causing vomiting. If you feel your cat has consumed something odd, seek immediate medical assistance.

  8. Cancer

    Although uncommon, some tumors can cause vomiting in cats. Tumors of the digestive system or other organs can interfere with normal gastrointestinal function. If your cat has vomiting, you should see a veterinarian for a complete checkup.

✔ Types of Cat Vomit

When it comes to cat vomit, the look and color might reveal important information about the underlying reason. Here are some examples of various forms of cat vomit.

  1. Yellowish Vomit in Cats:

    This indicates the presence of bile, which is a digestive fluid produced by the liver. Yellowish vomit may appear when your cat has an empty stomach.

  2. Clear Vomit:

    Unlike the yellowish vomit in cats, this is often associated with the expulsion of gastric secretions and mucus. Usually, this occurs when a cat has an empty stomach, and experiences mild irritation of the stomach lining.

  3. White, Foamy Vomit:

    While yellowish vomit in cats typically indicates the presence of bile, white and foamy puke indicates stomach mucus.

  4. Blood in the Vomit:

    This is a significant concern and requires immediate veterinary attention. Blood in the cat vomit, called hematemesis, can be caused by a range of conditions, like gastrointestinal ulcers, ingestion of foreign objects, or bleeding disorders.

  5. Coffee-Ground Appearance of the Vomit:

    Thi appearance of the vomit typically indicates the presence of partially digested blood. Called melana, this condition requires prompt veterinary evaluation.

  6. Brown, Smelly Vomit:

    Unlike the yellowish vomit in cats which has a clear cause, this can indicate many issues, including gastrointestinal blockage, intestinal inflammation, or ingestion of toxic substances.

✔ How to Treat Cat Vomiting

It might be upsetting to see your cat vomit, but there are things you can take to assist reduce their suffering and treat the underlying reasons.

  1. Evaluate the Severity

    Think about the frequency and intensity of your cat's vomiting. Vomiting on a regular or moderate basis, especially if there are no other concerning symptoms, may not demand immediate medical treatment. Seek veterinarian help as soon as possible if there are signs of an emergency.

  2. Temporarily Withhold Food

    To give your cat's stomach some time to settle after vomiting, it is best to delay feeding them for a few hours. To avoid dehydration, make sure they have access to fresh water.

  3. Address Dietary Factors

    If you feel that a quick food change caused vomiting in your cats, consider gradually shifting your cat's diet. Introduce new foods gradually, mixing them in with the prior diet over many days.

  4. Hairball Vomiting Remedies for Cats

    To aid the cat’s hairball vomiting, regular grooming is crucial. Brushing your cat's coat on a regular basis might help eliminate loose fur. Consider introducing hairball solutions into their regimens, such as specialist cat food or over-the-counter hairball management products.

  5. Address Digestive Issues

    Consult a veterinarian if your cat's vomiting lasts for an extended period or is accompanied by symptoms of gastrointestinal distress, such as diarrhea, weight loss, or decreased appetite.

  6. Manage Allergies

    If you believe that your cat's vomiting is caused by allergies, you must identify and remove the allergen from their surroundings or food. To identify the triggers, your veterinarian may prescribe an elimination diet or allergy testing.

  7. Parasite Control

    Regular deworming and flea treatment are essential for keeping the cat’s parasite-free. Consult your veterinarian to develop an appropriate deworming program and take preventative actions to protect your cat from common parasites.


  1. When should I be concerned about my cat vomiting?

    You may be concerned about seeing your cat vomit and you may wonder why your cat vomited. If your feline vomits frequently or shows other signs of illness like inappetence, hiding, and diarrhea, you need to seek help from a vet to observe your cat’s sickness.

  2. What type of cat vomiting is normal?

    You may wonder why your cats vomit hairballs and sometimes yellowish vomit in cats. It is common for a cat to expel a hairball once a week without any enduring problems.

  3. What are some gastrointestinal and non-gastrointestinal causes of cat vomit?

    Gastrointestinal causes of cat vomiting include dietary indiscretion, foreign bodies, parasites, diet hypersensitivity, inflammatory bowel disease, constipation, cancer, ulceration, and toxin ingestion. While the non-gastrointestinal include pancreatitis, kidney & liver diseases, diabetes, feline infectious peritonitis, and neurologic diseases.

  4. When to feed after a cat has thrown up?

    After answering a question of why does the cat vomit, here is the time for you to take take care of your feline friend. After they have thrown up, it is crucial to rehydrate them. However, most vets recommend waiting for 2 hours after an episode of vomiting to offer your cat any water or food. Always consult with your vet before giving your cat any medicines.


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