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Essential Nutrients For Cats

Essential Nutrients For Cats

As cat parents, you must be aware of the precious bond that exists between cats and their food. But as much as they love to eat, cats need to be provided with not just tasty, but also a well-balanced meal for nutrients cat food containing all the healthy food for cats that assist in cat nutrition requirements. This article guides you on what nutrients do cats need and how to make sure their meal packs all essential nutrients.

What are the necessary nutrients for cats?

Cats are carnivores, meaning most of the healthy food for cats should consist of animal products such as meat and eggs, which are rich in protein and fatty acids. Healthy food for cats should also have minerals, vitamins, and carbohydrates for them to have a healthy and long life.

Why should nutrients be included in your cat’s diet?

Cat nutrition requirements play a vital role in making sure that the kitty receives adequate energy for growth and healing from injuries and sickness. Nutritious cat food in a cat’s diet can allow them to stay healthy and in shape.

How much protein does my cat need?

Protein in healthy food for cat nutrition requirements is vital for felines since it serves as the building block in cats, necessary for their growth, repair of worn-down tissue cells, and muscular development. Generally, 6.5g/100 kcal of daily protein intake is necessary for adult cats. Pregnant and nursing cats often need 7.5g/100 kcal protein as essential nutrients cats need.

How much fat does my cat need?

Nutritious cat food should contain fat along with omega-3 and omega-6 to help maintain coat health and offer healing and regenerative abilities. In addition to being essential nutrients for cats, fat and fatty acids also provide cats with a much-needed energy boost. The average cat requires up to 20 to 24% of fatty acids and animal fat every day to keep up their energetic lifestyle.

How much carbohydrate does my cat need?

Cats are carnivorous beings with proteins and fatty acids comprising the majority of their diet. However, carbohydrates available in the form of glucose are essential for cats to maintain their physiological qualities. Adequate essential nutrients for cats often involve a regular carbohydrate intake of almost 10% of a cat’s diet for brain and blood cell development.

How much vitamins does my cat need?

Cats need vitamins such as Vitamin A for bone and tooth growth, eyesight, maintenance of their reproductive systems, and their skin health. Vitamin E and K play a vital role in cat nutritional needs for maintaining blood health. Arginine and taurine are vitamin derivatives, serving as nutrients cats need that help heart-muscle function and assist in reproduction and neonatal health in cats.

How much minerals does my cat need?

Minerals are essential for kittens in their growing years as minerals such as calcium, sodium, and potassium have a direct impact on the development of their skeletal structure, allowing the small furballs to grow up majestic. According to the cat nutrition requirements chart, in adult cats, minerals support their active lifestyle, and also offer regenerative properties for repairing worn-out tissue cells.

Different types of cat food

  1. Wet food

    Commercially available cat foods are packed with all nutrients for cats in balanced amounts to make sure that your fur baby receives all the beneficial nutrients for cats it needs to lead a healthy life. They are also available in a wide variety of flavours, and due to the high moisture content in wet nutrients cat foods, they keep your kitty hydrated too.

  2. Dry foods

    Dry cat foods are extremely convenient as they are financially more affordable and have a longer shelf life in comparison to wet cat food. Dry nutrients cat foods are also available in exciting flavours and contain all the necessary cat nutritional needs for your feline friend.

  3. Treats

    Cat treats contain enhanced flavours and textures that entice furries. With exotic flavours such as chicken, tuna and salmon, Temptations™ cat treats are a favourite of felines. Temptations™ treats are mouth-watering treats are low in calories, only 2 kcal/ pocket, so you can guiltlessly pamper your furry with Temptations™ treats.


  1. What is the most important nutrient for cats?

    As carnivores, protein is undoubtedly one of the most important components in cat nutrition. It serves as an essential nutrient to support their growth in the initial years of their lives. Furthermore, protein promotes healing and good health in furries. You can also consult a cat nutrition requirements chart for more information.

  2. How do I give my cat more nutrients?

    Meat and eggs contain protein and fatty acids in large amounts, which make up the majority of a cat’s nutritional requirement. In addition, you can also supplement your cat’s nutritional intake with over-the-counter protein and vitamins meant for feline use.

  3. What nutrient does a cat need?

    Protein and fat are two of the most vital nutrients for cats for their development and growth in the initial stage. In addition, furry felines also require small amounts of nutrients for cats such as vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates to stay healthy.

  4. How can I add nutrients to my cat’s food?

    Cat parents often face the question, what nutrients do cats need? In addition to meat and eggs, you can also supplement your furry’s diet with veggies such as green beans, squash, sweet potatoes and pumpkins. These vegetables are healthy food for cats and can add some additional nutrients cats need to your kitty's meal. Nutrients cat food is also commercially available in dry and wet variants for everyday use.

  5. What are nutritional food for cats?

    A cat’s diet predominantly consists of meat, fish, and eggs. But you can also bring a little twist to their nutritious cat food by adding some fruits like apples, bananas, and seedless watermelons as good sources of nutrients for cats.


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